Monday, August 12, 2013

One adventure ends, another begins.

Our last day in London and sadly, we started to sort bags after the requisite Starbucks dash across the street. Very handy spot!

There is some tube stops that are closed today so a small detour was required to get to our destination of St Paul's Cathedral.

Only Kelly could find a gift shop at a church!  After a quick visit we toured the exterior and then entered the cathedral for a look inside. There was a service underway so we quietly observed for ten minutes before exiting. The architecture was amazing and the ornate ceilings indescribable. You have to see it to appreciate it and normally I would post a picture but they were enforcing the "no pictures inside" policy.

We took some pictures from Paternoster Square and decided to head back and finish packing up.

We decided to walk back from the Bond Street underground station and get a bit of exercise. Bags packed, we checked out and stored them with the concierge as it was time for a pint and some  lunch.

The Clarence was close by so in we went and had a nice meal.  With the tube station issues we decided to head in and get sorted for our flight.

Grabbed our baggage and the journey begins again!  The train shutdown was a minor inconvenience as we plotted an alternate route. It only added a couple minutes to the trip and we found ourselves at Terminal 1 in just over an hour. Checked our bags, cleared security and we soon found some of our fellow teammates in the pub :-)

Chad, Agnes and Will met us and we enjoyed catching up. Michi was off sleeping as his body clock was out of whack.  No sign of Colin and Ethan yet but they did grab an airport hotel. 

This pretty much sums up our London adventures. It was a great time and a great way to acclimatize to the time zone change:-)  We will close out this chapter and move in to the business portion at hand.

Details on our Canadian team exploits will now continue along at


  1. Can't wait to hear more about your London adventures when you get back!! Have fun in South Africa!

  2. Sorry for the late response Robyn. I haven't looked here in a while :-)
